
Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset
Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Hi! Hello! Welcome to my page of randomness. 

First of all, thank you dear reader for visiting this crappy blog of mine. LOL. When I say randomness, I mean it. I am the most random person I know. Look at that window on your left.. or right.. or maybe you’re in a room with no windows, you might as well start reconsidering your decisions in life it that’s the case.

Out of boredom, I ironically create something at least, on my opinion.. creative? ha! Well, like right now. I’m sitting my ass down in this not so comfortable wooden chair as I type these things… well duh!

Since I already typed “First of all” and wordPress has this annoying thing that deletes the succeeding words you typed when you will try to correct your mistakes, I am now obliged to have a second point. And WTH WordPress, people create mistakes you know! Don’t be so perfectionist. The pressure man! I just can’t… See? Told you I’m random.

I don’t know what would! Hahaha I mean I can be interesting.. Just give it a chance. Even the Monopoly game has chances.

On a not so serious note..

I am an ambivert gal with a paradox who is sprinkled with past era dust. 

I do poetry with the help of my sentiments. I film vlogs using my phone and old dslr.. I capture moments  using my old 35mm film camera. I pose and pretend like a model with this magic called the timer. I crave for low-budget travels and adventures to feed my inner wanderlust. I draw, sketch and paint my own reality as other people claim as just imaginations. And lastly, don’t even dare steal my fries! 

If you’re lost and you don’t know where to find my posts.. then you are probably high right now. There are buttons up there my friend. Click it. JUST CLICK IT, IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.

and.. Oh gad. I need help. I need a life! Honestly I just type whatever pops out on this nutshell of mine.

I mean well..

Bye and Enjoy!

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